Baptism and Church Membership,
A topic that brings much contention,
Divisions arise, opinions clash,
Each side claiming its own intention.

The Presbyterians and the Baptists,
With different views on what is right,
To immerse or sprinkle, the debate goes on,
Both parties hold their ground with might.

For the Baptists, obedience is key,
They see baptism as a matter of course,
Only believers should be members,
Joined to the body of Christ by force.

But for the Presbyterians, it's different,
Infant baptism they do uphold,
Believing that through covenant grace,
Salvation for the young is foretold.

The issue is one of conscience,
Of obeying what each believes is right,
But should it lead to painful separation,
Or can we find common ground in sight?

Perhaps in gospel efforts,
We can come together as one,
Focusing on our shared beliefs,
Working for God's will to be done.

For unity in Christ is crucial,
And though our views may differ,
We can still work towards his kingdom,
Spreading his love and light, brighter and bigger.
