Title: The Foolishness of Hypocrisy

Title: The Foolishness of Hypocrisy

From Proverbs, wisdom doth speak,
Revealing truths that we must seek,
For in these words, we find a guide,
To the hypocrisy that we hide.

We wear our masks, put on a show,
And to the world, our best selves we show,
But in our hearts, we know the truth,
That our righteousness is but a ruse.

We speak of love, yet hate abounds,
We judge others, yet in sin we drown,
We strive for power, yet we're weak,
Hypocrisy, a habit that we keep.

But wisdom calls us to a higher way,
To live with integrity every day,
To let our actions match our words,
And not be like the foolish herds.

For those who walk in wisdom's path,
Find joy and peace that forever lasts,
They speak truth and do what's right,
And in God's eyes, they shine bright.

So let us heed the wisdom of old,
And our hypocrisy, let us unfold,
For in acknowledging our own sin,
We find mercy and grace within.

Let us repent and turn from our ways,
And seek the Lord in all our days,
For in humility, we find true peace,
And hypocrisy, forever will cease.

So let us live with integrity,
And in truth, let us find our security,
For in righteousness, we find our way,
And hypocrisy, forever will stray.

Let us not be like the fool,
Who boasts of his wisdom, but lives by a different rule,
Who speaks of justice, yet oppresses the poor,
And in his pride, he will fall for sure.

For true wisdom is shown in deed,
In doing what's right, with love indeed,
In living a life that pleases God,
And in walking in His holy abode.

Let us not be hypocrites who claim to know,
The truth of God, but in our hearts we sow,
The seeds of doubt and unbelief,
And in our actions, we show our deceit.

Let us instead be like the wise,
Who fear the Lord and seek His prize,
Who live with honesty and truth,
And in their words and actions, bear fruit.

For in living a life that's true and pure,
We find a joy that forever will endure,
A peace that surpasses all understanding,
And in God's love, we find our landing.

So let us heed the wisdom of old,
And our hypocrisy, let us unfold,
For in acknowledging our own sin,
We find mercy and grace within.

Let us repent and turn from our ways,
And seek the Lord in all our days,
For in humility, we find true peace,
And hypocrisy, forever will cease.

So let us live with integrity,
And in truth, let us find our security,
For in righteousness, we find our way,
And hypocrisy, forever will stray.
