Aspiration or Calling

Aspiration or Calling 

Aspiration or calling, which one to choose?
Let me explain why aspiration will never lose.

Firstly, it's biblical, as Paul did declare,
That elders can pastor without a salary to spare.
And Jeremiah's fire was not his path to take,
But the Lord's word, for his prophetic fate.

Secondly, it's humble, to say "I aspire",
Acknowledging growth is needed to reach higher.
Calling implies a private knowledge of God's will,
Aspiration aims for godliness to fulfill.

Thirdly, it's accurate, for who can truly tell,
If a calling is true or simply a spell?
Aspiration focuses on the objective task,
And the godliness and gifts one needs to amass.

Fourthly, it's fruitful, for it points out the way,
To grow in godliness day by day.
Rather than wondering if you are called,
Aspiration helps you become equipped and enthralled.

Lastly, it's freeing, for it relieves the strain,
Of waiting for a calling that may never come again.
Aspire to grow and to cultivate your gifts,
And trust that God's will in your life uplifts.

So let us aspire to the path that's been laid,
By focusing on God and the progress to be made.
For as we strive for godliness and grace,
We'll find fulfillment in serving in our rightful place.
