Father, Son, and Spirit: A Triune Praise

Father, Son, and Spirit: A Triune Praise Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in accord With every spiritual blessing from above, Poured out upon us with abundant love. Father of our Lord Jesus, he who came To save us all from sin and death and shame, You've fathered us through adoption, we're yours, Sealed with your Spirit, our hope now endures. Your ultimate purpose, to exalt the name Of Jesus Christ, above all fame and claim, In heaven and on earth, to glorify Yourself and your Son, to never deny. You are the Father of all things in sight, In heaven and on earth, with power and might, From whom every family is named and known, The one God and Father, on your throne. Your light shines forth in tripersonal grace, Father, Son, and Spirit, in perfect space, Unapproachable light, where you dwell, Blessed and only Sovereign, our hearts swell. Father, we praise your glorious name, For all that you've done, our hearts proclaim, Blessed be yo...