The Hope of Resurrection: Good News for All to Hear

The Hope of Resurrection: Good News for All to Hear

Good news, oh hear it well
The gospel story we must tell
Of Christ who died, but rose again
To save us from our sin

Through resurrection's mighty power
He conquered death in its darkest hour
And Satan's hold he overcame
To offer us eternal gain

For in Christ's victory over the grave
We have the hope of life to save
A new creation, pure and free
Through faith in Christ, eternally

So come, oh come, and hear the word
That Christ has come, our hearts to stir
To give us hope, and peace, and grace
And lead us to eternal space

For in him, we find our life
Our joy, our hope, our light, our strife
So come, and trust in him today
And let his love light up your way

For in Christ's resurrection's might
We find the hope of heaven's light
A new creation, pure and free
Through faith in him, eternally.
