Hope Beyond Death: Christ's Victory Over Satan and the Grave

Hope Beyond Death: Christ's Victory Over Satan and the Grave

 In Christ, we find our hope of life

Beyond this world, beyond the strife

For in his victory over death

We know that we will live again

The grave, it had no hold on him

For he had triumphed over sin

And in his resurrection's power

We find our hope for life's next hour

For death, it is not final now

It's just a step, a door, somehow

To something greater, brighter, new

A life with Christ, forever true

So let us live with hope and joy

And share this message, far and wide

That in Christ's resurrection's might

We find a hope that will abide

For death and Satan, they are defeated

And in Christ's victory, we're seated

In hope of life beyond the grave

With Christ, our risen Lord to save.
