Why is there evil and suffering in the world ?

The Problem of Evil: A Mother's Question and a Christian Perspective


The Problem of Evil is among the most debated and challenging theological issues. The question is simple yet complex, and it is a problem that has been asked by many throughout history. The problem is this: If God is all-good, all-powerful, and all-knowing, then why does evil exist in the world? This question has been asked in various forms and has been the subject of intense debate and discussion.

In this article, we will explore the Problem of Evil by examining a conversation between Raju's mom and Mark. Raju is a 24-year-old man with a mental disorder; his father recently passed away from bone cancer. Raju's mom is struggling with why God allows evil to exist in the world. Mark attempts to answer this question by exploring the nature of evil and God's role in allowing it to exist. 

Raju's Mother: a question that has troubled me for a long time. Why would God allow innocent people to suffer?

Mark: We Christians believe God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good. However, if God is all these things, why does evil exist? That is the problem of evil.

Mark: Well, the reform Christian perspective on this is that God gave us free will, and with that free will, we can choose to do good or evil. Unfortunately, many people choose to do evil, which results in suffering and pain.

Raju's Mother: But if God is all-powerful, why doesn't he stop people from doing evil?

Mark: That is a good question. Nevertheless, think about it this way: if God were to intervene every time someone was about to do something evil, then that would take away our free will. We would be like robots, doing what God wanted us to do without any natural choice.

Raju's Mother: I see your point. But what about natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes? People's choices do not cause those.

Mark: Yes, that's true. But we believe that God allows these things to happen for a reason. Sometimes, natural disasters are the result of the laws of nature that God created. Other times, they might be a way for God to get our attention and remind us of our need for Him.

Raju's Mother: I can understand that. However, it is still hard to see how God can be all good when there's so much suffering in the world.

Mark: I agree. It is a difficult question to answer. However, ultimately, we trust God knows what He is doing, even when we do not understand it. Moreover, we know that in the end, God will make everything right and restore everything to the way they were meant to be.


The problem of evil is a challenging issue that has puzzled humanity for centuries. Even for those who believe in a benevolent God, the presence of evil and suffering in the world can be challenging to reconcile. However, from a Christian perspective, we can understand that God is not the author of evil and exists due to human sinfulness and free will. We can also trust that God is sovereign and ultimately in control of all things, including evil, and that He has a redemptive plan for those who suffer. Therefore, rather than questioning God's existence or goodness in the face of evil, we can turn to Him for comfort and hope, trusting in His sovereignty and the Redemptive work of Christ on the cross as an assurance of hope that one day as he has promised he will completely to overcome evil with good.
