From Bread to Blood: The Power of Christ's Sacrifice

From Bread to Blood: The Power of Christ's Sacrifice

 Bread is broken and wine poured out,

Emblems of death, there is no doubt.

The painfulness of Christ's sacrifice,

Displayed before our very eyes.

The bread, the flesh, torn and broken,

The wine, the blood, violently awoken.

Separate, they symbolize death,

Christ's life-blood poured out, till his last breath.

The suffering of Jesus, portrayed in the bread,

As it goes through many tortures, till it's finally fed.

And the wine, squeezed out from the grape,

A symbol of the Saviour's blood, in shape.

This communion tells us of Christ's death,

A death for us, his dying breath.

A substitution, the Just for the unjust,

On the cross, our sins he did adjust.

But his death was acceptable to God,

The Father pleased with the sacrifice he brought.

So we worship in humility and awe,

Knowing that our sins he did withdraw.

His sacrifice is complete and perfect,

No need to hide it, no need to deflect.

We set it forth for all to see,

His atoning work, for you and me.

And as we eat the bread and drink the wine,

We proclaim to all, this truth divine.

Christ has died, and we live on his death,

His substitutionary sacrifice, our life's breath.
