Order of Created Things (Reformed Baptist Perspective)


The Order of Created Things refers to the structured and intentional sequence of creation as described in the Bible, particularly in Genesis 1 and 2, where God creates the universe, the earth, and all its inhabitants in a specific order. This concept emphasizes the purposeful design and hierarchy established by God in creation, revealing His wisdom, sovereignty, and the intended relationship between humanity and the rest of creation. For Reformed Baptists, this doctrine underscores God’s authority over creation and the distinct roles assigned to creatures, particularly humans as image-bearers tasked with stewardship.

Key Aspects of the Order of Created Things:

  1. Sequential Creation in Genesis:

    • According to Genesis 1, God created the world in a systematic sequence over six days, moving from creating the physical universe to forming living creatures, culminating in the creation of humanity on the sixth day. Each day’s creation builds upon the previous, revealing a carefully planned, progressive order.
    • This sequence also highlights the hierarchy within creation, with humanity given dominion over animals, plants, and the earth (Genesis 1:26-28), establishing humans as stewards of God’s world.
  2. Hierarchy and Purpose:

    • Reformed Baptists interpret the order in creation as establishing a natural hierarchy, with God as Creator, humans as His appointed stewards, and the rest of creation under their care. This hierarchy is meant to reflect God’s glory and the distinctiveness of each part of creation within God’s purpose.
    • The hierarchy implies responsibility and stewardship for humans, who are accountable to God for their use of creation. This is based on Genesis 2:15, where Adam is placed in the garden to “work it and keep it.”
  3. Humanity as Image-Bearers:

    • Being created in the “image of God” (Genesis 1:26-27) distinguishes humanity from all other creatures and defines humanity’s role as stewards. This concept of imago Dei (image of God) implies a moral and spiritual capacity unique to humans, designed to reflect God’s character, wisdom, and authority over the rest of creation.
    • Reformed Baptists emphasize that this calling is a directive for humans to exercise responsible dominion, reflecting God’s care and justice in their treatment of the world.
  4. Sabbath and Rest:

    • The seventh day, on which God rested, marks the completion and sanctification of creation’s order. This rest sets a pattern for humanity, highlighting the importance of worship and dependence on God. The Sabbath, as part of creation’s order, signifies both God’s sovereignty over time and humanity’s dependence on Him.
    • Reformed Baptists view the Sabbath as a reminder that creation serves a higher purpose — to glorify God and find fulfillment in Him, and that humanity’s work must ultimately reflect God’s rest and provision.

Biblical Foundations:

  1. Creation Days Sequence:

    • Genesis 1: Each day of creation describes a distinct act of God, ordered from creating light, separating waters, forming dry land and vegetation, creating celestial bodies, fish and birds, land animals, and finally, humans.
    • The order reflects a purposeful and increasing complexity, culminating in humanity, who is given a mandate to rule over creation (Genesis 1:28).
  2. Dominion Mandate:

    • Genesis 1:26-28: Humanity is instructed to “fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing.”
    • This mandate highlights humanity’s role in the order of created things, distinguishing humans as caretakers rather than equals to animals and plants.
  3. Sabbath Principle:

    • Genesis 2:1-3: God’s rest on the seventh day sanctifies the created order, marking it as “very good” and setting a rhythm for work and rest.
    • The Sabbath principle indicates that the order of creation is not merely functional but deeply spiritual, with all creation pointing back to the Creator.
  4. New Testament Reflection on Creation Order:

    • Colossians 1:16-17: Paul writes that all things were created through Christ and for Him, reaffirming that creation’s order is inherently tied to God’s purposes and under Christ’s authority.
    • This indicates that the order of created things is not only for humanity’s benefit but also for God’s glory, fulfilled ultimately in Christ.

Theological Implications in Reformed Baptist Thought:

  1. God’s Sovereignty and Providence:

    • The order of created things underscores God’s absolute sovereignty, as He ordains both the sequence and purpose of creation. Reformed Baptists affirm that creation serves God’s ultimate will and reflects His character, with no element of chance involved.
  2. Human Responsibility and Stewardship:

    • Humanity’s position in the order of creation comes with responsibility. Reformed Baptists teach that humans must exercise stewardship that honors God, caring for the earth as His creation. This includes ethical considerations in environmental and relational aspects of human life.
  3. Christ as the Fulfillment of Creation’s Purpose:

    • Reformed Baptists believe that the order of creation ultimately points to Christ, through whom and for whom all things were created (Colossians 1:16). In the new creation, Christ restores order disrupted by the Fall,
