Title: "The Triune God's Power of Resurrection and New Life in Christ"

With a power beyond human conception,

The Holy Spirit, in the Father's direction,

Wrought the Son's resurrection and made us new,

And through the Trinity, our souls were renewed.

In the Son, we've been given a new life,

Through the Spirit, we're freed from sin and strife,

And in the Father, we find our eternal home,

United in the Trinity, we'll never be alone.

The Spirit, co-eternal with the Father and Son,

Is the one who sanctifies us, one by one,

His power is not just for the raising of the dead,

But for granting new life, with righteousness instead.

And on that day when Christ returns in glory,

The Trinity's power will be revealed in full story,

For in that day, we shall be raised,

And in eternal life, our souls shall be encased.

The same Trinity that worked Christ's resurrection,

Is the one who grants us spiritual perfection,

And on that day, when we see our Lord,

We'll praise the Trinity, who us has restored.

Oh, what a deep and Trinitarian truth,

That the Father, Son, and Spirit, from age to youth ,

Are the ones who grant us new life today,

And will bring us to eternal life on that final day.


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