Title: "Inequality's Veil: Unleashing Compassion

Title: "Inequality's Veil: Unleashing Compassion"

In shadows cast by this world's cold embrace,
A story unfolds of worth and sorrow's trace,
Where poverty's grip stifles hope's sweet breath,
And value diminishes, lost in misfortune's depth.

Does destitution, like tempests that rage,
Rob lives of worth, trapped in an iron cage?
When illness strikes, a cruel divide is seen,
As hearts grow cold, compassion's flame turns lean.

The poor, they suffer, silenced and alone,
Their pleas unheard, their pain too often disowned,
While the affluent and famed, on pedestals high,
Elicit tears and prayers from every passing eye.

Oh, how this world seems blind, deaf, and unkind,
To the plight of those who bear life's harshest grind,
In the realm where riches dictate their sway,
Humanity's scale tilts, lost in disarray.

Yet, let us not succumb to bitter wails,
Nor drown in sorrow's depths, where despair prevails,
For empathy, a seed within us sown,
Can blossom, heralding change till justice is known.

May hearts awaken, igniting love's pure fire,
To bridge the chasm, quench despair's dire mire,
And let compassion guide each human soul,
Embracing worth, restoring what was stolen whole.

For life's true value knows no class or fame,
In every beating heart, it burns the same,
Let us strive to build a world that truly cares,
Where worth is found in all, and each heart shares.
