Title: Beware the Fool: A Lesson from Proverbs

 Title: Beware the Fool: A Lesson from Proverbs

In Proverbs, the fool is laid bare,
Their arrogance and folly, a dangerous affair,
They spout their own opinions, no care,
Disregarding moral truth, so unaware.

The fool's heart has no room for education,
Their love for evil and senseless sensation,
They waste their money and time on foolish fun,
Their ways are clear, to everyone.

Their hotheadedness and recklessness,
Get them and others into constant distress,
They delight in evil and lack of discernment,
Their ways lead to destruction, no argument.

The fool shuns knowledge, a dangerous game,
Doubling down on folly, it's such a shame,
Their ways lead to disaster, never to fame,
Like a dog returning to its vomit, it's all the same.

Beware the fool, their ways are a trap,
Avoid their path of destruction, it's a wrap,
Seek knowledge and wisdom, it's a better map,
For folly leads to ruin, a terrible mishap.

In conclusion, the fool's ways are clear,
Their arrogance and folly, something to fear,
But the wise seek knowledge and understanding,
Their ways lead to joy and everlasting blessing
